Resources: Further Insights

Research In Collaboration With USC's The Norman Lear Center
Topline findings include: Jews having a hidden Jewish identity on screen, being associated with elitism, men being nebbish, Orthodox Jews frequently being othered. Recommendations include: showcasing Jewish pride and joy, Jews embracing their traditions, diversity, specificity and depicting Orthodox Jews as the people next door. [...]
The Marginalized Group Inclusion Spaces Forgot to Include
Published in UCLA's Center for Scholars and Storytellers online magazine: My family comes from a small, persecuted, indigenous people from the Middle East. We have been refugees for a painfully long time. When my grandfather was a child, he was lined up with his family to see how many people a bullet could go through. His family thankfully got away and fled to the US. [...]
Jew in the City Sundance Panels
2024: Sects, Lies and Videotape: Debunking deadly tropes about Jews and Israel in TV, film and media
2023: #MeJew: Antisemitism, Authentic Representation and Jewish Identity in Hollywood [...]
Hollywood’s Orthodox Jew Problem: A JITC Documentary
Since its founding in 2007, Jew in the City has been fighting to change negative perceptions about Orthodox Jews. This past March, we launched JITC Hollywood Bureau to advocate for authentic and human depictions of Jews in Hollywood. This documentary was made in collaboration with PhilmCo Media and is the first part of [...]
The JOSEPHS Test For Accurate Media Portrayals of Orthodox Jews
The JOSEPHS Test For Accurate Media Portrayals of Orthodox Jews by screenwriter Yael Levy. Are there any Orthodox characters who are emotionally and psychologically stable? (Half a point if they occasionally smile. Two points if you’d want to hang out with any of them.) Are there characters who are Orthodox whose religious life [...]
JITC Featured On National ABC Storyteller Spotlight
Allison Josephs is a Jewish American storyteller who created "Jew in the City," a nonprofit with a mission to change negatives perceptions about the Orthodox Jewish community through storytelling. "I was frustrated with the media's depictions of my community. And I knew that I could share a more authentic and nuanced story," said Josephs. [...]
JITC Hollywood Bureau Letter To The Motion Picture Academy Goes Viral!
We have long been frustrated with Jews being left out of inclusion seminars, statements and calls for diversity. It has been painful to see the main depictions of Jews on screen related to the Holocaust, those leaving the Orthodox faith and stereotypical roles that rely on antisemitic tropes. [...]

Help us champion authentic and nuanced portrayals of Jews, Judaism, and Israel in the entertainment industry.