The First and Only Jewish
Hollywood Bureau

The Problem: No Representation

Jews do not have a seat at the diversity table in Hollywood when it comes to representation and accommodations, unlike every other marginalized group. That’s because Jews are seen as too white, too rich and too privileged – all ideas based in antisemitism. The result is TV shows and movies with inauthentic, cartoonish Jewish depictions at best and vilified ones at worst. With no framework to prevent tropes and encourage more nuanced, diverse stories to be told, the entertainment industry is fueling antisemitism. Per the 2023 FBI hate crimes report, Jews continue to be the most targeted minority group per capita in the US and as of October 7 are now the most targeted group in raw numbers, despite only being 2.4% of the population.

The Solution: A Seat at the table

Following the footsteps of other minority bureaus launched by NAACP and MPAC and more, JITC Hollywood Bureau is the first and only Jewish Hollywood Bureau for Media Outreach and Advocacy. Our services include:
Training Showrunners
Providing Consultants on TV Shows and Movies
Commissioning Entertainment Studies
Media Awards
Participating in DEI Panels

Our Impact: Changing Perceptions

Since our launch in 2021, we have:
Met every major studio in Hollywood, to introduce the idea that Jews belong in DEI conversations and that Jewish representation and accommodations need to change
Partnered with Think Tank For Inclusion and Equity to create the first Jewish fact sheet for TV studios
Hosted inaugural Sundance panel on Jewish representation to standing room only
Named as a changemaker in Hollywood in Variety’s most recent Inclusion Impact Report
Held inaugural Jewish Media Awards
Launched a study on Jews in television with the Norman Lear Center

Resources: Further Insights

Research In Collaboration With USC's The Norman Lear Center
Topline findings include: Jews having a hidden Jewish identity on screen, being associated with elitism, men being nebbish, Orthodox Jews frequently being othered. Recommendations include: showcasing Jewish pride and joy, Jews embracing their traditions, diversity, specificity and depicting Orthodox Jews as the people next door. [...]
The Marginalized Group Inclusion Spaces Forgot to Include
Published in UCLA's Center for Scholars and Storytellers online magazine: My family comes from a small, persecuted, indigenous people from the Middle East. We have been refugees for a painfully long time. When my grandfather was a child, he was lined up with his family to see how many people a bullet could go through. His family thankfully got away and fled to the US. [...]
Jew in the City Sundance Panels
2024: Sects, Lies and Videotape: Debunking deadly tropes about Jews and Israel in TV, film and media
2023: #MeJew: Antisemitism, Authentic Representation and Jewish Identity in Hollywood [...]
Hollywood’s Orthodox Jew Problem: A JITC Documentary
Since its founding in 2007, Jew in the City has been fighting to change negative perceptions about Orthodox Jews. This past March, we launched JITC Hollywood Bureau to advocate for authentic and human depictions of Jews in Hollywood. This documentary was made in collaboration with PhilmCo Media and is the first part of [...]

Help us champion authentic and nuanced portrayals of Jews, Judaism, and Israel in the entertainment industry.